Do I Have to Have My Photo Taken at Work

same way.

* 2. a) Listen to the recording of the dialogue. Mark the stresses and tunes, b)

Practise the dialogue for test reading. Listen to the recording very carefully until you

can say it in exactly the same way. c) Memorize the dialogue and dramatize it.

IV. Transcribe the following sentences, mark the stresses and tunes and picture them

on the staves:

1. Hello, Mary! 2. Look here, Mary, there is a concert this evening at our club.

3. Well, we haven't been there for ages. 4. Let me have a look at it. 5. We're going

to be late, I'm afraid.

V. Answer the following questions:


1. (At) what time do you get up? 2. Is it light when you get up? 3. You do your

morning exercises to music, don't you? 4. What do you do in the bathroom? 5.

What do you do with a tooth-brush (a towel, a comb)? 6. Do you take a shower in

the morning or before you go to bed? 7. What do you clean your teeth with? 8.

What do you dry yourself on? 9. You do your hair before a looking-glass, don't

you? 10. At what time do you usually have breakfast? 11. What must you do with

the dishes after having a meal? 12. What do you usually do before you leave the

University? 13. What do you clean your flat with? 14. (At) what time do you leave

for the University? 15. It takes you long to get to the University, doesn't it? 16.

How long does it take you to get to the University? 17. Do you go to the

University by bus? 18. (At) what time do your classes begin? 19. What do you do

when the classes are over? 20. Where do you usually have dinner? 21. Do you

prepare for your English lessons at home or do you prefer to work in the

University reading-room? 22. How long does it take you to do your homework?

23. Do you work at the laboratory every day? 24. When do you usually come

home? 25. What do you usually do when you come home? 26. In what way do

you help your mother about the house? 27. What do you do with an iron (a

vacuum-cleaner, a broom) ? 28. What do you usually do in the evening? 29. Do

you often go to the theatre or to the cinema? 30. You are fond of skating, aren't

you? 31. What do you do when you stay at home in the evening? 32. Do your

friends often come to see you? 33. How do you spend the time when your friends

come to see you? 34. You listen to the news every day, don't you? 35. What do you

do when you are going to listen to the latest news? 36. (At) what time do you

usually go to bed? 37. Who does the shopping in your family?

VI. a) Write the interrogative and negative forms of the following sen-

tences, b) Ask and answer questions on the following statements as in the

model. Use the Present Perfect Tense. Add a sentence or two to develop a


/ M o d e l : He has already repaired the iron. Has he repaired the cassette-

recorder yet? No, he hasn't. But he is sure to do it soon.

1. Mary has already ironed the table-cloth. 2.1 have already turned off the

light. 3. The girls have already done the room. 4. It takes me long to prepare for

my English lesson. 5. It has taken Peter five minutes to shave. 6. We are going to

the skating-rink after classes. 7. My sister is very good at sewing. 8. Peter is going

to repair our TV-set. 9. We are going for a walk after classes. 10.1 must do some

knitting today.


a) Write questions to the parts of the sentences in bold type, b) Each sentence

describes a situation in a concise way. Find out some more details about it by asking

questions. Work in pairs:

1. I have dinner at two. 2. I leave for the Institute at eight o'clock. 3.1 go to

the Institute by bus. 4. It has taken me three hours to do my homework. 5.

David has already repaired the radio. 6. It has taken me a fortnight to knit this


sweater. 7.1 am going to have some practice in intonation at the laboratory.. 8. I

am going to the iheatre today. 9. Robert is going to press his coat. 10.1 do my

room with a vacuum-cleaner once a week. 11. You needn't switch on the light, it

is quite light. 12. Mary has gone to be&>43. It takes me a quarter of an hour to

have breakfast. 14. I lake a bath every morning. 15.1 go to the Institute by

Metro. 16. We are going to the skating-rink. 17.1 do my hair with a comb.


Rewrite the sentences in the Present Perfect using the adverbs already,


Model:My brother is going to repair the cassette-recorder. My brother has

already repaired the cassette-recorder.

1.1 am going to have some practice at the laboratory. 2.1 am going to clean the

flat. 3. John is going to shave. 4. They are going to have a rest in the country. 5.

Ann is going to turn off the gas. 6. The boy is going to brush his clothes, isn't he?

7.1 am going to turn on the light. 8. His family are going to listen to the seven

o'clock news, aren't they? 9. Who is going to have a bite?

10. What are you' going to do? 11. They are going to stay out of town for a

fortnight. 12. I'm going to look through his article.

IX. Make up as many sentences as you can according to the following models. Use

the words, word combinations and phrases of the lesson.

M o d e l 1: I am (not) going to turn on the light. I am (not) turning on the

light. I have (already, just) turned on the light. (I have not turned on the light yet.)

M o d e l 2; Are you going to turn on the light? Are you turning on the light?

Have you turned on the light (yet) ?

X. FiU in articles wherever necessary:

1. Mary has taken ... cold shower and is going to dress. 2. Let me have ...

look at your translation. 3.1 always do ... room with... vacuum-cleaner. 4. Let's

turn on... cassette-recorder and dance to ... music. 5. What are your fellow-

students doing? — Mary is playing ... piano. Peter and David are playing ...

chess. 6. I don't go to ... Institute by ... bus. I prefer to go there by ... vletro. 7.

How long does it take you to do ... homework? }. Something has gone wrong

with ... vacuum-cleaner. I am sure t's ... plug. 9. It is not pleasant to go by. .

Metro on such ... fine lay. Let's go on ... foot. 10. Will you turn on ... radio? I

should ike to listen to ... seven o'clock news. 11. It's ... pity you have lever

been to... England. 12. My parents are still in... town.

XL Fill in prepositions or adverbs wherever necessary:

1. Ann begins to work fttfhalf past eight. At half past twelve she goes .>Cto

lunch. After lunch she comes back*Ј$her office and work<S^*i|our o'clock. At

four o'clock she puts{U|her hat and coat and goes r^home. 2. The students .jftour


group are never a minute latej^he classes. 3. It doesn't take me long to get 70 the

Institute. 4. When do you usually get 5. Will you turn Mhe ight? The children

are going bed. 6. We have turned и She :assette-recorder and are going to dance

r.i the music. 7. Vvlien corpe :A home I take Л my coat and hang it V^the hook.

Then go |^the bathroom, turn OAthe tap, wash my hands and dry hem >/V^he

towel. 8. What do you press your clothes >„иЛ" ). Have you cleaned ... the

table yet? 10. Let's hurry or we'll be ate hif the first lesson. 11. What kind of dress

are you going to ivear^rour party? 12. The button has come ".{^ my coat. — Shall

I sew it .\for you? 13. Why have you turned ...the radio? —lam going to

listen ... the seven o'clock news. 14. Are you going ..; bus? 15. HurryI'm short...

time. 16. Are you through ... your housework?

XII. Fill in the missing words:

A. 1. Something has gone ... with the cassette-recorder. Can you put it...? 2. She

is not up yet; she is still.... 3. The classes are

over. I am ... to go home. 4. I am ready to have a hot .... ... my

teeth and go to bed. 5. If you want to have a let's go for a walk. 6. I have ... my

hands and now I am going to ... them on the towel. 7, Before putting on my

clothes and shoes I always... them. 8. While the mother serves breakfast Susan and

Peter ... the flat and ... the beds. 9.1 am going to present my brother with a sweater

which I have ... myself. 10. In the evening we usually have some music or ... to

the radio or ... the TV programme. Sometimes we ... to see our friends or our

friends ... to see us. Once a week we go to the cinema or to the theatre. 11 . Do

you usually sit up late or do you ... to bed early? 12. Peter is a good

sleeper, he.........late and often has no time for breakfast. 13. If

the water feels cold on winter mornings you must rub yourself with the ... . 14.

There is a ... this evening at the club. 15. Something has gone wrong with the ... .

Will you have a ... at it? 16. Please, turn on (off) the ...! 17. Have you cleaned

the ...? 18. I'm ... for time, will you help me? /

B. 1. He is forty. His wife is thirty^five. He is*T. than his wife. 2. Dayiri is ten.

Bob is eight. Bob is^than David. 3. Se^nteen is\.f than ten. 4. In August

the/weather is generally^.: than in October. 5. In May the days arethan in March.

6. This book is ... interesting than that one. 7.1 think this exercise is the ...

difficult. 8. Hpwareyou? — Thank you. ГпкС today. 9.1 know German L than


C. 1. ... your lessons and be off. 2. You look so smart tqdayi Where have you'...

your hair? 3. How could you possibly"... so many mistakes in your dictation? 4. If

you want to make a good sportsman you must ^. morning exercises every day. 5.

On her way home motty^r usually ... some shopping. 6. I'm pressed for time. Will

youL... the room yourself? 7. Skating will ... a lot of good. 8. I'd like you to ...

friends with all the students of your group. 9. Isn't it your turn to... a report today?

XIII. Form one sentence of the given two using the following model.


M o d e l : This mistake is gross. That mistake is not so gross. That mistake is

not so gross as this one.

1. These apples are tasty. Those apples are not so tasty. 2. The Volga is long.

The Don is not so long. 3. My house is tall. Your house is not so tall. 4. Tom's

pronunciation is good. Your pronunciation is worse. 5. The winter in Moscow is

cold. The winter in London is not so cold. 6. Your mother is yoting. My mother is

not so young.

b XIV. Form as many sentences as T

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to have dinner?

M o d e l : I have already swept the floor. — Have you?

I haven't

Do I Have to Have My Photo Taken at Work


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